Test for Nicotine Dependence Knowing

One of the chemicals in cigarettes that can make people addicted or addiction is nicotine. To determine levels of nicotine dependence can be done through this test.

Nicotine in cigarettes for smokers euphoric effect. This condition occurs because of the changes in brain chemistry that occur in the last 7 seconds of the first puff of cigarette smoke. Nicotine will later be attached to the receptors in the brain which controls breathing and heartbeat.

"Nicotine is absorbed in the blood, and transmitted to the brain up against the alfa4beta2 who received nicotine receptors," says Dr. Aulia Sani, SpJP (K), FJCC, FIHA, FAsCC in a media gathering Defeat Joint Clinic Nicotine Addiction stopped smoking at Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday (13-7/2011).

Dr. Aulia said conditions will be releasing hormone dopamine that cause taste delicious, delicious and convenient. When dopamine is reduced then it will be lost and a sense of comfort comes the desire to return to smoking. It is an addiction or craving menyebabkab that the longer the amount of nicotine needed greater.

"Regular Smokers will trigger an increase in the number of receptors alfa4beta2 as much as 300 percent, so that later the sensitivity of these nicotine receptors will increase," said the doctor who practices at Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital.

To find out how big a person to nicotine dependence can be known by the following tests:
1. How long after waking you smoke?
Within 5 minutes (3 points)
Within 6-30 minutes (point 2)
Within 30-60 minutes (point 1)
Within more than 60 minutes (0 points)

2. Are you having difficulty to refrain from smoking in prohibited places?
Yes (points 1)
No (0 points)

3. When smoking the most difficult time left?
On the morning (point 1)
At other times (0 points)

4. What is the number of cigarettes smoked per day?
10 cigarettes or less (0 points)
11-20 rods (point 1)
21-30 rods (point 2)
31 or more (points 3)

5. Are you more smoke after waking up or at another time?
Yes (points 1)
No (0 points)

6. Are you still smoking when the body is sick or bed rest?
Yes (points 1)
No (0 points)

Values ​​obtained indicate:
Very low dependence 0-2
3-4 low dependence
5 dependence is
6-7 high dependence
8-10 very high dependence

If the dependence on nicotine showed much higher then the desired amount of nicotine by the body in order to create a sense of comfort and pleasure. So that later the more the number of cigarettes required in order to feel comfortable and enjoyable.

"All types of cigarettes as dangerous, if traditional cigarettes only takes one cigarette to his needs met, then the mild cigarette takes more than 3 rods to meet the needs of nicotine. So it is pointless for smokers, tobacco companies are fortunately it more," said the doctor who has served as Director of Heart Hospital We hope this.


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