Salty Foods Can Damage Blood Vessels In Time 30 Minutes
Jakarta, Eating foods with high levels of salt or high sodium can cause problems for the body. However, this effect turned out worse than expected. High salt levels can damage blood vessels within 30 minutes.
Researchers from Australia revealed that the salt-laden foods will quickly will stop the widening of blood vessels, even though the person has normal blood pressure. This blood vessel damage can occur in just 30 minutes from the time he ate.
Kacie M Dickinson and colleagues from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Adelaide involving 16 healthy subjects in this study. Participants were divided into two groups, of which the first group given tomato soup with salt levels low while the second group was given the same tomato soup with salt levels 10 times as much.
After that, the researchers measured the arteries (blood vessels) participants by using ultrasound. Obtained arterial participants who consumed more salt will damage that makes the blood flow is limited. This effect will begin to decrease in about 2 hours. These results have been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
"The importance of this study is to add to evidence that sodium could provide a direct chronic effects on blood vessels," said Dr. Sahil Parikh, a cardiologist at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, as quoted from AOLHealth, Thursday (02/10/2011).
When the heart pumps blood through the arteries to produce nitric oxide gas that causes artery walls to relax and allow it to narrow or widen, according to circumstances.
The scientists believe that excess salt can inhibit the release of nitric oxide that makes the walls of the arteries to harden in a short time. Therefore people potentially or have risk factors for hypertension and heart must go on a diet of salt or sodium.
Parikh advised the public to follow the guidelines recommended in the consumption of salt per day. While the people who work hard and exercise levels may require a slightly higher salt in her diet pattern.
Recommended intake of salt given health experts every day based on age is
0-6 months 1 gram
7-12 months 1 gram
1-3 years 2 grams
4-6 years 3 grams
7-10 years 5 grams
11-14 years 6 grams
Adult 6 grams.
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