Also Can senile Contagious
Being next to someone can sometimes senile dementia bandwagon, though usually only limited influence of suggestion. However, a recent study reveals, senile really can spread through proteins such as the disease
mad cow.
Proteins called prions that evil is a protein initially normal, but the damage caused by certain bacteria infections are not known for sure. Prions themselves are not contagious, but the germs that form prions can be transmitted as happened to mad cow disease.
When accumulates in the brain, prion-prion that will form plaques or crust. If the number is increasing, the existence of crust that would damage the nervous system and trigger Alzheimer's disease, one form of dementia that affects many of the elderly.
"Our findings indicate that the likelihood of Alzheimer's can also be transmitted through infection, as disease
others are triggered by prions "said Professor Claudio Soto of the University of Texas who conducted the study as quoted by MSNBC, Wednesday (05/10/2011).
Prof Soto concludes that after injecting human brain tissue samples into the brains of mice suffering from Alzheimer's. Rat brain cells are all normal, so went along with a broken pattern of brain damage similar to Alzheimer's sufferers.
However, Prof Soto acknowledged that his conclusion is still too early and did not yet final. This new mechanism is found in artificial conditions are deliberately created in laboratories, there is no strong evidence that it could happen to its original condition.
In the near future, Prof Soto peneltiian will develop this new to investigate the possible mechanisms of prion transmission between human Alzheimer's disease. But the preliminary findings of eskperimen in mice was published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry October 4, 2011 edition.
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