More Malignant than superbug, Urine Pus So Hyper Bug

Gonorrhea Gonorrhea or start a threat as more resistant to drugs. More recently, new strains or species of bacteria are known to have developed resistance to one antibiotic left the sefalosforin.

In Norway, two heterosexual men infected with gonorrhea germs and not cured with current antibiotics. While in Japan, a positive sex workers infected with HO41, strains or new types of germs of gonorrhea that does not work with any medicine.

Some cases are reported in the conference of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research that took place in Quebec, Canada. The emergence of these cases are triggered kekharatiran, that the gonorrhea bacteria have evolved into hyperbug, the term for germs more obstinate than just a superbug.

New types of germs that are resistant to all types of antibiotics are now is not found in the United States. But as a country with very high rates of gonorrhea infection, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began campaigning for prevention by using condoms.

In 10 years treakhir, each year there are approximately 5400 to 6500 men treated for gonorrhea infection in 30 cities across the United States. Of that number, the case that more and more difficult to treat the amount of about 0.2 percent in 2000 to 1.4 percent in 2010.

"Since the year 2009 and 2010 we always need antibiotics with higher concentrations to treat gonorrhea. This means the threat of drug resistance to the last that we have already in sight," said Robert D Kirkcaldy from the CDC as quoted by the NYTimes on Wednesday (13 / 7 / 2011).

The same conditions have occurred in the 1970s and the 1980s, when gonorrhea germs begin to show resistance to penicillin and tetracycline. Now not only resistant gonorrhea germs on both of these drugs, but also the latest antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin.


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