Corn Cereal Originally Created to Prevent Masturbation

Although originating from America, the popularity of cornflakes or corn cereal is quite popular worldwide and in any country. But who would have thought, the food was originally created to treat people who are addicted to masturbation.

John Harvey Kellogg, a doctor who also manages the sanatorium or place of care for the sick is the inventor of corn flakes at the end of the 19th century. Food was discovered by accident, when Dr. Kellogg is looking for alternatives that are easily digested soft food.

Food is given to patients in lieu of spicy foods, which he believed could improve sex drive. If the patient is eating spicy foods and can not have sex, it is feared there is a tendency to masturbate.

For the patient, both masturbation and sexual intercourse is not recommended by Dr. Kellogg. For her, sex will only worsen the disease condition of patients who on average suffers chronic or chronic illnesses such as tuberculosis, blindness, leprosy and cancer.

For this reason, Dr. Kellogg intends to replace the spicy foods with fiber-rich cereal and not much use of spices plants libido. The alternative is cereals, which are made from carbohydrate sources such as corn and wheat flour.

Well, while trying to process flour when Dr. Kellogg is a careless left the kitchen for too long so that the wheat flour is almost burnt. The result is quoted from psychcentral, Wednesday (13/07/2011), but not the dough obtained seprihan charred bits of what he called flake.

Instead of waste, debris is still used because it turns out finally that crunchy texture gives it a unique flavor than regular wheat cereal. Since then, cornflakes are discovered accidentally started a lot of people liked.

It is not known for sure whether seral corn actually reduces the patient's desire to masturbate. But technically, this cereal reduce the consumption of certain herbs that are believed by many scientists to improve sex.


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