Rabies Dog bites can result in Sex Addiction
Since being bitten by a puppy, a woman in India to be addicted to sex and always achieve multiple orgasms every time you have sex. The results showed, the increase occurred because the woman's lust of contracting rabies.
Women 28 years who was not named it reported an increase in sex drive that is not fair. Admitted by her husband, she was never so excited since they got married about 8 years ago.
Not only become more easily aroused, she was also always having orgasms (multiple orgasms) which sometimes lasts up to 2 days. Which of course hassles of having to minister to her husband more often than usual.
Both of these couples to consult the matter to the nearest hospital. Initially puzzled doctors also diagnosed it, until finally a few days later the patient showed symptoms of aerofobia (takit air and altitude) and hidrofobia (fear of water).
In addition to fear the light, afraid of water and fear in the air, including specific symptoms of rabies virus infection. Eventually doctors concluded that patients infected with rabies, but unfortunately the patient was too late and finally got the vaccine died the next day.
This case has been reported in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior current issue.
One of the doctors at the Medical College Chennai India, Ponniah Thirumalaikolundusubramanian, MD said increased libido is very likely influenced by the rabies virus. Quoted from MensHealth.com, Monday (7/11/2011), the virus reaches the brain that affects a certain part that generates hiperseks behavior.
If allegations of Dr. Ponniah prove correct, then the rabies virus can be called as an aphrodisiac (tonic) of the deadliest. This viral infection can hardly be overcome and almost certainly cause death if it reaches the brain and central nervous system.
In many cases, rabies infection did not display symptoms until the virus reaches the brain or central nervous system. So after being bitten by a dog, it is advisable to immediately get a rabies vaccine before the virus spreads.
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