Pain Relief Medication Can Overcome Premature Ejaculation
London, The problem of premature ejaculation can be treated with medication. Choice of medicine is now more diverse, trials in Europe showed a pain medication to overcome sexual problems are common in adult men.
A new drug with a trademark Zertane recently passed clinical trials in Europe to overcome premature ejaculation. Drugs produced Ampio Pharmaceuticals was unnecessarily consumed regularly, occasionally when drunk enough to have sex.
In terms of formulation, the drug is actually not really new. Active substances contained in it is the Tramadol HCl, opioid compounds that have been widely used in various analgesics with moderate to severe intensity.
As antinyeri drug, Tramadol HCl is widely used in pharmaceutical and medical world since the 1990s. Just like narcotics, centrally acting drug in the central nervous system in the brain in inhibiting the formation process of pain.
Pharmaceutical Ampio itself is a pharmaceutical company specializing in drug repositioning. Previously, the company is also some time researching the old drugs that already have authorization to receive new licenses for different indications.
With the success of clinical trials in men who have problems with premature ejaculation, Ampio hope this drug trap received marketing authorization in Europe in the near future. Even so, the Denver-based company is just not interested to market it in America.
Meanwhile, premature ejaculation include sexual problems experienced by most adult males in their productive age. Quoted by Reuters on Wednesday (10/25/2011), premature ejaculation affects about 23 percent of men around the world with an age range between 18-79 years.
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