Infertile Men More Prone to Heart Disease.

Jakarta, For men, it's hard to have children is closely related to the composition of sexual hormones. Not only affect sperm production, sex hormone deficiency is also making men 17 percent more susceptible to death from heart disease.

The theory underlying the allegation is that a good sperm production is affected by the hormone testosterone. Hormones are a very dominant role in the male reproductive system also serves to protect the circulatory system including heart from damage.

If sperm production is disrupted as little testosterone levels, it is likely these men will also be a problem with the heart. For this reason, researchers suspect that men have a difficult child will be more prone to die because of heart problems.

Michael Eisenberg, a professor of urology at Stanford University in California succeeded in proving the theory of the stretcher. In one study, Prof. Eisenberg studied 35,000 adult males above the age of 62 years and retired.

Participants are grouped in two categories, namely men who marry and have children and men, married but no children because his sperm is not good. The participants observed health in the same period for 10 years.

Observations show, 10 percent of all participants died during this period. Judging from their reproductive history, men who do not have any children observed 17 percent more vulnerable to dying from heart problems and blood vessels.

Prof. Eisenberg does not ensure that hormones were the only factor that triggers death in men infertile, but she sure is pretty influential factor. Maybe not directly protect the heart, but the hormone that makes men more healthy overall.

"It may also have children to make men have yanbg lifestyles tend to be healthier, so the father could live longer than their peers who have a difficult child," said Prof. Eisenberg was quoted as saying by the Telegraph.


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