Acupuncture Proven Can Make Pregnant Fast
Jakarta, for that hard to get a descent pair, how much can be done to improve the chances of pregnancy. One way that has been shown to accelerate the pregnancy is to perform acupuncture or acupuncture.
Research on acupuncture and its benefits to increase the chances of pregnancy has actually been widely studied, but the result is always confusing. Some say this way is useful, but others say it is a myth.
But two studies published in the journal terabru Acupuncture in Medicine and the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation reiterated that acupuncture is beneficial. Chances of pregnancy in couples undergoing this therapy tends to be larger.
There are several reasons why akupounktur can increase the chances of pregnancy in couples who have children difficult. One of them, acupuncture can relieve stress so that the health and quality of reproductive system of men and women are more awake.
The next reason is acupuncture can improve blood circulation, especially that leading to the female reproductive organs such as ovaries and fallopian tubes. Good blood flow to the reproductive tract walls thicken, so the chances of conception increase.
"This is not a panacea, but acupuncture proved to be really helpful for some patients to be successful to have offspring," said Dr. Jamie Grifo of the Fertility Center at New York University who led the study, as quoted by AP on Friday (10/2/2012).
In addition to increase the chances of pregnancy, acupuncture can also reduce the risk of depression in pregnant women. Research at Stanford University shows 2 of 3 pregnant women who experience depression feel better after treatment with acupuncture.
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