Oral Sex More Risk Trigger Oral Cancer in Men

Jakarta, the virus triggers cervical cancer can also be transmitted through oral sex and lead to oral cancer. If cervical cancer is only suffered by women, cancer of the mouth caused by the same virus infection was more susceptible experienced men.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is one cause of cervical cancer or cervical cancer, the latter known to be transmitted through oral sex. Quoted from Menshealth.com, Tuesday (02/07/2012), this virus can be believed to trigger cancer of the tongue, throat cancer and throat cancer.

Transmission rate of HPV infection in the mouth it has increased in the last 8 years. Recent survey of 5579 people in the United States shows, 7 percent of the population aged 14-69 years have been infected with this virus and among males the figure of 10 percent.

Differences in infection rates in men and women also need special attention, because the researchers from Ohio State University who conducted the survey found a trend that men are more vulnerable to infection. It is said, men are 5 times more at risk than women.

The risk of HPV infection that attacks the mouth and surrounding areas are also associated with sexual behavior. People who frequently perform oral sex or by mouth 2 times more at risk, while mutually couples up to 20 times can increase the risk by 20 percent.

Worries over the risk of transmission of the virus that causes cancer is long a conversation. Texas Governor Rick Perry early in 2011 even had sparked controversy by supporting mandatory HPV vaccination for males, which typically is only intended for women.

Some believe that the idea is redundant, because in general HPV infection that attacks the very small mouth that is only 1 percent of the general population and only 1.6 percent of all men. Even from an already infected with HPV, not all develop into oral cancer.


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