Divorce Make People More Quickly Dead

Jakarta, the man who divorced were more at risk of early death than women who are divorced. Increased risk of premature death in men who are still married and 31 percent, while the risk in women who divorced just 18 percent.

A review conducted by scientists of University of Arizona to more than 30 studies have found that adults who divorced have a higher risk of early death compared to adults who are still married.

The researchers found health risks associated with divorce is similar to a lot of health risks encountered in the community such as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, lack of exercise, being overweight and drinking heavily.

These poor people seem to have difficulty in other relationships, loneliness, gaining weight, insomnia or clinical depression. This can create other problems. Depression, for example, highly correlated with health complications such as heart disease and blood vessels.

"Nevertheless, this study does not mean asserts that divorce can cause premature death," said the researcher, David Sbarra, professor of psychology at the University of Arizona as reported by azcentral.com, Saturday (21/01/2012).

Sbarra but not sure if premature death is higher in men because men generally die younger than women.

"Divorce may be associated with a higher risk of premature death in men, because most of the planning done by the women's health. For example, she reminded him to see the doctor, and keep men in order not to eat too much red meat. Red meat has a high saturated fat. Fat saturated fats can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease, "says Sbarra.

Some people may have characteristics or behaviors that increase the risk of experiencing divorce and poor health. For example, depression and substance abuse may increase the likelihood of divorce, and both are predictors of early death.

Research papers published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science is reviewing 32 studies involving more than 6.5 million adults in 11 countries, including the United States. The study was published in a span of 27 years.


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