2012 Many Diseases, Be careful For the Shio Got Rats

Jakarta, Chinese New Year is still several weeks away, but it can be taken into account that 2012 was the year the water dragon. Feng shui expert estimates, many people will experience health problems at this year especially those with zodiac rat.

These forecasts delivered international feng shui expert, Marites Allen in an article on the official website. No mention of what the disease would be endemic, but in general health issues will increase in the water dragon year that started on January 23, 2012.

Although generally applicable, Master Allen said that the increase in health problems will be most noticeable impact on the people who have zodiac rat. In contrast, the effect on some particular zodiac would be less than the others.

"In 2012 in general will give a better fortune in people who were born in the tiger, rabbit, horse and goat," said Master Allen in his writings, as quoted from Inquirer.net, Wednesday (11/01/2012) .

In addition, the year of the dragon is also often associated with natural disasters, especially earthquakes as it did in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988 and 2000. This means that diseases associated with disasters such as respiratory problems and sanitation is expected to increase.

Since the year of the dragon this time has a dominant element is water, then the Master Allen suggested that the energy is balanced with the fire element. Based on feng shui, one way is to wear light colored clothing such as red, pink and orange.

While as reported by previous detikHealth, year of the dragon is also widely associated with increased fertility reproductive system. For those who want to have children, year of the dragon is touted as the best time to plan a pregnancy.


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