3 Year Taxable HIV, Men Sex Without Condoms by 3000 people
Kent County, Michigan, Michigan health officials issued a warning to its citizens to be vigilant and perform inspections if had sex with David Dean Smith, the man who's HIV positive and claimed to have had sex with 3000 people, both men and women.
Police arrested David Dean Smith (51 years) on charges of sexual misconduct. To the police Grand Rapids, Michigan, he said during the last 3 years have had sex without a condom with thousands of people.
Smith deliberately infected with HIV-positive do that with a mission to infect as many people as possible and kill them. How many people have been infected with HIV during the last 3 years is difficult to determine, but Smith claimed he had sex with 3000 people, both men and women.
Department of Health Kent County, Michigan, encourage everyone who believes that they may have been infected with HIV from Smith to report. Anyone who is concerned has been infected with HIV may also contact the Kent County Health Department Clinic on Personal Health Services with the number 616.632.7171. All calls are confidential HIV testing and, as reported by huffingtonpost, Wednesday (04/01/2012).
According to documents filed with the Grand Rapids 61st District Court, Smith targeting Michigan residents who live far from state of the United States, which he had contact through Yahoo! Personals.
The method was also used Smith to contact one of the victims who finally want to report themselves. The woman agreed to be interviewed Grand Rapids news station, WOOD-TV, without mentioning the identity.
The woman was said to have acquired HIV in 2008 and immediately knew that Smith was the one who infects. Just before his arrest, Smith had sent him a message 'to plunge me in the law, my life is over. Take care of yourself. Always love you '.
It is unclear why Smith did it, but court documents indicate that Smith had a history of mental illness since been treated at Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services for trying to commit suicide. Hospital records show that Smith can be stimulated by making the women's pain.
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