
Showing posts from January, 2012

Due to allergies Emergent Kissing

Jakarta , Kiss performed by the couple involving the exchange of fluids. These conditions trigger allergies, especially in people who do not have antibodies to specific allergens. To be aware that the occurrence of allergies due to a kiss. The allergist said that brushing your teeth or waiting for a while after a meal can not prevent the occurrence of allergies in some people with known food allergies or medications. "In some couples, it has sometimes saliva contains allergens despite still brush your teeth or waiting a few hours after eating," said Dr. Sami Bahna, an allergist, as quoted from MedIndia, Tuesday (31/01/2012). Dr. Bahna said allergic reactions that occur after the kiss is rare, usually caused by ignorance of the couple. When symptoms are present, including lips and throat swelling, rash, itching and wheezing. The experts recommend to mutually open to each other, as well as for couples who have no allergies you should brush your teeth, rinse your mouth ...

Heart Patients Need Not Fear of Sex

Jakarta , many heart patients who have concerns about the safety of his soul when having sex. Indeed there are some cases of heart disease patients who experience a sudden attack while making love, even some of them to die. American Heart Association recently issued a statement that sexual activity is generally not harmful to people with heart disease. However, patients should be examined by a doctor first and realize that heart disease can cause problems, especially if not controlled. The association also warned that more research is needed into how the influence of sexual activity on the cardiovascular system of women and elderly people who have certain conditions. "The reality is that in most patients, the risk is quite low. In most patients with stable heart disease, it's safe for them to participate in sexual activity. Activity is comparable with mild to moderate exercise such as walking or climbing stairs," said researcher, Dr. Glenn Levine, professor of medi...

There are Smiling When Cancer Cells in Under the Microscope

Sydney , Cancer cells usually greatly feared because it can spread very quickly. But doctors in Australia found a form of cancer cells that are 'smiling' under the microscope. Researchers in Sydney shocked and also surprised to observe proteins in cancer cells under a microscope. This is because the cancer proteins form a picture of a smiling face. Scientists from the Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research created a protein from cancer 12 years ago as a material for studying how these proteins will develop into tumors in the human body. But in one experiment that was conducted by researchers over the years, the proteins of these cancer cells develop a face like he was smiling. "We have never seen anything like this before, and those that exist in the laboratory are very pleased to see the picture, smiling," said Professor Beric Henderson, who led the study, as quoted from Dailymail, Sunday (29/01/2012). Prof Henderson said he was researching som...

Sleep After Traumatic Event Negatives Make More Powerful Memory

Jakarta , Sleep is known to reduce the negative emotions of bad memories. But unfortunately, fell asleep shortly after witnessing a traumatic event can actually maintain and even reinforce the negative emotions associated with unpleasant memories of it. The researchers showed participants a series of photographs. Some photos contain images that are very unpleasant, some of which are neutral. Participants who sleep not long after seeing the photos are more likely to judge it as a disturbing picture when I saw him again. In contrast to the results of previous studies, sleep is considered as a useful activity and is able to reduce the negative emotions of bad memories. This study has profound implications for preventing stress disorder due to trauma or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). "From a clinical standpoint, sleep disturbances or insomnia after trauma is not necessarily bad. It may be that this is an appropriate biological responses and may help to forget the trauma...

Emerging Securities Sexual Desire If not channeled

Jakarta , Every human being must have their sexual desires, but on certain conditions sometimes sexual desire can not be channeled properly, especially for singles. What are the effects that arise if this desire unfulfilled? According to experts, sex, sexual desire no more signals to pass through affecting the psychological (mental) rather than physical. Because physically unfulfilled sexual desire does not lead to a particular disease. "The physical health conditions are not intrusive and does not hurt," said Dr. Nugroho Setiawan, spand, sexologists from RS Fatmawati, when contacted detikHealth, Thursday (01/26/2012). But psychologically the effect that appears depends on the person's temperament or character. If the person is indeed fierce temper or any desires must be fulfilled, then he can get angry if his sexual desires unfulfilled. But if the nature or character of the person, including a patient and understanding, then he will accept the conditions and do ...

Erotic Picture Make Men Want to Take a Big Risk

Jakarta , The man known impressionable women. Not only responding quickly things smell erotic, men can also be losing my mind when looking at erotic pictures. That is why on-site casino, the owners display super sexy women to lure men are more daring to risk his property. Researchers from Stanford University have found that when men view images of erotic, a brain area associated with the hope of stimuli. This causes a man willing to take greater risks than they can afford. The study, published in the journal NeuroReport uses fMRI brain scans to track brain changes when participants looked at photographs of positive, negative or neutral. Participants were then asked to quickly make the decision to choose one of two risks in gambling. The researcher, Brian Knutson, suggesting that fMRI can be used to predict whether the person will take the risk or not. When taking a risk, a brain area called the nucleus accumbens showed increased activity. When choosing to avoid the risk, a diffe...

Frequently people Tend Open Internet Longevity

Rome , the person who is addicted to the internet are usually less mobile, less sleep and eye irritation easy. But according to research in Italy, under certain conditions often go to the Internet can actually make a person live longer. Research conducted by Dr. Americo Bonanni of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy revealed that people who are always connected to the Internet tend to be less sick. Although sometimes the lack of movement, diet or diets tend to be healthier. Diet in question is the consumption of fruit and fresh fish, which is often referred to as the Mediterranean Diet. This type of diet which many nutrition experts recommend this for a long time believed to be good to keep a healthy heart and blood vessels. In addition to reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack, the Mediterranean diet is also effective in reducing the risk of cancer because fruits contain lots of antioxidants. Calories in fruit and fresh fish are also lower than other foods, making it safer fr...

Snoring habits Make Women Orgasm Hard

Jakarta , Not just noisy and disturb their partners, the habit of snoring during sleep also interfere with sexual function, especially in women. The more frequent snoring, women's ability to achieve orgasm during sex is also diminishing. This was evidenced in a study at the University of Lund, which included 80 women with sleep apnea or stop breathing during sleep characterized by symptoms such as frequent snoring. All the participants had never got treatment. The participants were asked to fill out questionnaires related to sexual experience, among others, regarding the level of arousal and satisfaction during sex with their partner. The results were compared with 240 healthy women who do not have sleep apnea or snoring. Some facts are revealed in these observations is as follows, as quoted from Huffingtonpost, Wednesday (25/01/2012).

Deaths Due to Cervical Cancer Pap Smear Once Denied

Cornwall , UK, cervical cancer usually strikes people who are married or sexually active. But in England a young woman died from cervical cancer and previously he refused to do a pap smear. Symptoms of cervical cancer which is owned by Mercedes Curnow has emerged since he was 20 years old, but when it's presenting symptoms are often ignored because they did not think going to get cervical cancer at a young age. When he tried to do pap smear test to find out what the cause of the symptoms, the doctor refused to do so because he was still a young age of 20 years. But a year later, symptoms get worse and the doctor finally diagnosed him with cervical cancer in April 2010. But unfortunately it was too late, 33 sessions of radiotherapy and 9 months of chemotherapy could not save his life. He died at home in his mother's arms on December 14, 2011. "Mercedes has rejected doing a pap smear because arguably his age are too young. If he did a pap smear when it's possibl...

Ozone Exposure Lower Quality of Sperm

Jakarta , sperm quality is affected by many things, from food eaten, physical activity undertaken, to environmental influences. Researchers found that exposure to ozone in the atmosphere also affect the process of sperm development in men. A study of men who live in Los Angeles found that exposure to ozone can reduce sperm quality. The study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives this could add to the understanding of the causes of infertility in men. This study analyzed the semen samples collected from a sperm bank in Los Angeles and compare it with the air quality. The researchers found that exposure to high ozone levels near the homes of donors adversely affect semen quality. The impact of pollutants were found capable of affecting the entire development cycle of sperm in the body (spermatogenesis). "We found an inverse relationship between ozone exposure and sperm concentration at all points studied. Our data show that sperm are vulnerable to toxi...

Allegedly Deodorant Can Cause Breast Cancer

Jakarta , breast cancer occurs in many parts of the breast and armpit women. In some women who have breast cancer also found the chemicals that are added in deodorants. This makes scientists suspect that deodorants can trigger breast cancer. For several years, researchers have studied the relationship between a substance called paraben and breast cancer. Parabens are widely used as a preservative to kill germs in cosmetics such as deodorant or antiperspirant. Researchers have learned that parabens slightly resemble the female hormone estrogen function. While estrogen is itself a risk factor for breast cancer. Researchers in England examined breast tissue samples from 40 women who had undergone mastectomy and found that traces of parabens is widespread in body tissues. In fact, seven of whom women say that they never use any product in the armpit. "In the seven people who do not use these products, parabens can be derived from other products," says Dr. Philippa Darbre...

Divorce Make People More Quickly Dead

Jakarta , the man who divorced were more at risk of early death than women who are divorced. Increased risk of premature death in men who are still married and 31 percent, while the risk in women who divorced just 18 percent. A review conducted by scientists of University of Arizona to more than 30 studies have found that adults who divorced have a higher risk of early death compared to adults who are still married. The researchers found health risks associated with divorce is similar to a lot of health risks encountered in the community such as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, lack of exercise, being overweight and drinking heavily. These poor people seem to have difficulty in other relationships, loneliness, gaining weight, insomnia or clinical depression. This can create other problems. Depression, for example, highly correlated with health complications such as heart disease and blood vessels. "Nevertheless, this study does not mean asserts that divorce can cause pr...

Easy Ways to Overcome Painful Ears When Up Aircraft

Jakarta , when new aircraft taking off or about to land, passengers often feel pain in the ear due to changes in air pressure. These complaints can be relieved in many ways, among others, with a tissue and hot water. Pain in the ear that is felt when a plane is because the ear trouble adapting to changes in air pressure outside. These pressures lead to blockage of airflow from the nose to the ear that passes through the fallopian eusthacii, so the air trapped in the cavity of the ear and it hurt. Aviation health experts from the Air Force, Dr. Henry Mulyawan, SpBS provide practical ways to release air trapped in the ear while riding in a plane. Simply by using paper towels and cups of hot water, which are all available in the flight attendants. The trick, a tissue inserted into the glass to heat water in it is absorbed into the fibers so as not to spill if at any time of the shocks in the cabin of the aircraft. Bring towels and a glass of hot water into your ear, then let the st...

Red Men Make More Passionate

Jakarta , There's a saying if you want to seduce a man wear a red shirt. Apparently it's not just an expression, because the red color is proven to increase male sexual arousal. Even the man himself sometimes does not realize his passion increased when he saw a woman wearing a red shirt. There are many interesting facts that explain why the color red synonymous with romance. From bright red to maroon color when Valentine, the color red has been associated with lust and romantic love for thousands of years. A study conducted by psychologists from the University of Rochester attempted to answer the color question what makes men attracted to women. In five experiments, Andrew Elliot and Daniela Niesta showed that the color red makes men feel more passionate about the women. Interestingly, men do not realize the impact of color for that interest. "Psychologists and researchers in other disciplines have looked at the relationship between color and behavior. Much is kno...

Signs of Chronic Stress The Natural Medium

Jakarta , people may often experience prolonged stress or chronic stress in the face of daily life. So often the stress sometimes can not feel or ignore the symptoms of stress. "If you are under chronic stress, which is suffering from daily attacks of stress from work or personal life was in chaos, may be showing signs of unusual or severe enough. If you experience signs and symptoms of stress, take time each day to perform the desired activity , such as going for a walk, "said Stevan E. Hobfoll, PhD, chair of the department of behavioral sciences at Rush University Medical Center. Here are 10 signs of stress that is often overlooked as quoted from FoxNewsHealth, Wednesday (01/18/2012), among others: 1. Migraine "A sudden drop in stress can trigger a migraine. By adhering to the schedule of sleeping and eating schedule can to minimize any other migraine trigger factors," said Todd Schwedt, MD, director of the Washington University Headache Center. 2. Abdo...

3 Types of Drugs Kill Sexual Arousal

Jakarta , Several types of prescription drugs can put your sex drive. So that if you have a problem of sex drive, there is also a good idea to check the medicine cabinet. Who knows the drugs are actually the cause of the decline in sexual arousal. Drugs which should be wary because it could put your sex drive as reported by health, Wednesday (18/01/2012) are: 1. Contraceptive Drugs Some oral contraceptives can increase levels of sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in women. SHBG decreases the amount of free testosterone circulating in the bloodstream and lowers libido or sexual desire. 2006 study by Boston University, led by Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of the San Diego Sexual Medicine and editor in chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that birth control pills have long term effects on libido or sexual desire of women. SHBG levels two times higher in women taking the pill compared with women who did not take the pills. Long-term effects are quite rare. But Hilda ...

Cigarettes Make Acne Grows More Fertile

Rome , Italy, Each doctors recommend their patients to quit smoking because many adverse health, especially cancer and cardiovascular disease. Not only life-threatening diseases, smoking can also cause acne to grow more and more fertile. Researchers at the San Gallicano Institute in Rome dermatological research on 1,000 women aged 25 to 50 years to determine whether smoking plays a role in the development of acne. The findings showed that 42 percent of smokers have acne, while among non-smokers only 10 percent. This study also showed that three-quarters of participants were women who smoke have acne, as reported by Livestrong, Tuesday (01/17/2012). Yet the number of cigarettes smoked did not affect the severity of acne. But if a woman ever smoked in his youth, this group has probably four times higher when exposed to adult acne. Based on these studies, smoking can contribute to the cause of non-inflammatory acne, including large blackheads and clogged pores. Non-inflammatory a...

Discovered Short-Term Effects of Electric Cigarettes

Jakarta , Electronic Cigarette has been marketed as safer alternatives. But the study found evidence of this electric cigarette can cause changes in the airways users in quick time. Researchers found after 5 minutes using an electric cigarette, users showed signs of airway constriction as measured by several types of tests of respiratory and inflammation. The results of this study are reported in the journal Chest. "This is the first evidence showing that an electric cigarette can cause acute physiological effects in a very fast," said study chairman Constantine I. Vardavas of the Center for Global Tobacco Control at the Harvard School of Public Health, as quoted by Reuters on Monday (01/16/2012). In this new study, Vardavas and colleagues in Athens involving 30 healthy men who smoked cigarettes electric cigarette to see if this affects the airways of users. It turned out that in the short term, smoking has been estimated to cause and effect in the long term can caus...

Too often Yawns Could Be Signs Disease

Jakarta , All people must have evaporated, which usually signifies a feeling bored, tired or sleepy. However, if too frequent and excessive yawning, it could be a sign of serious medical problems. The reason people are not just a sleepy yawn, but rather a mechanism to cool an overheated brain. When a person yawning, air from the environment will enter through the respiratory tract. The temperature of the cooler air will be transmitted by blood flow to the brain is overheated because it was too old to work, so that heat exchange occurs. But when yawning occurs excessively, then you need to alert some health problems, as reported by Livestrong, sunday (15/01/2012): 1. Sleep disorders Yawning is a natural response when the body feels tired. But according to the National Institutes of Health, if it evaporates too often it may be a sign of sleep disorders, like insomnia, sleep apnea and narcolepsy. These conditions may hamper you get a good night's sleep and cause fatigue during...

When Fertile, Women More Sensitive To Erotic Image

Jakarta , the fertile period, women are more easily raised her passion for sex. Painting flowers that resemble genitalia is considered sexier by women when in fertile period than when she is less fertile. "These findings are consistent with the approach of evolutionary psychology related to sexuality. Two days after ovulation is the second half of the menstrual cycle in most women. The thought of having sex really is not that important at this time because he will not get pregnant," said the researcher, Jeffrey Rudski, from Muhlenberg College, as quoted by LiveScience, Friday (01/13/2012). Previous research on female arousal has been shown that women's sexual interest and desire to change during the menstrual cycle. Women prefer men with masculine faces during the fertile period. A study in 2011 found that women tend to wear sexy clothes during the fertile period, seem to want to show passion for sex that is caused by hormones. Rudski and the team chose paintings f...

Hormone from fat cells Fat Women Make Easy senile

Jakarta , Some causes of dementia risk factors such as age and family history are not preventable. More recently, a study showed that a hormone produced in people who are overweight can be a cause of dementia risk factors, especially for women. According to the World Alzheimer's Report, there are currently 36 million people affected by symptoms of dementia worldwide, and the numbers will double in 20 years. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia and attacked 80 percent of elderly people worldwide. Alzheimer's Association says two-thirds of people with Alzheimer's are women. In the United States, among the 5.4 million people with Alzheimer's disease, 96 percent of whom are those who are over the age of 65 years. A report in the journal Archives of Neurology found that elevated levels of the hormone adiponectin may increase the risk of loss of brain function and Alzheimer's disease. Adiponectin is a hormone produced by fat cells that helps ...

Fruits and Vegetables Only Not Enough to Maintain Weight Loss

Jakarta , Excess body weight is considered closely related to unhealthy diet and lack of intake of fruits and vegetables. But a study in Europe found that it was not enough, to be followed by quitting smoking. The researchers found that nearly 374,000 adults in 10 European countries who were followed for five years and only eat fruits and vegetables are not likely to experience reduced weight gain. Plant foods are full of nutrients that can help ward off chronic diseases like heart disease and some cancers. Several previous studies also showed that people who are overweight are asked to eat more fruits and vegetables can help reduce weight. In a study published the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently, Anne-Claire Vergnaud of Imperial College London in England to collect dietary information and body weight were collected from adults aged 25-70 years. For more than five years, study participants experienced weight gain on average about 0.45 kg per year. Among men, bo...

2012 Many Diseases, Be careful For the Shio Got Rats

Jakarta , Chinese New Year is still several weeks away, but it can be taken into account that 2012 was the year the water dragon. Feng shui expert estimates, many people will experience health problems at this year especially those with zodiac rat. These forecasts delivered international feng shui expert, Marites Allen in an article on the official website. No mention of what the disease would be endemic, but in general health issues will increase in the water dragon year that started on January 23, 2012. Although generally applicable, Master Allen said that the increase in health problems will be most noticeable impact on the people who have zodiac rat. In contrast, the effect on some particular zodiac would be less than the others. "In 2012 in general will give a better fortune in people who were born in the tiger, rabbit, horse and goat," said Master Allen in his writings, as quoted from, Wednesday (11/01/2012) . In addition, the year of the dragon is...

Drugs Kill 250 Thousand People in the World Each Year

Jakarta , There are more than 200 million people worldwide who use illegal drugs or drugs every year. And according to recent reports, drug caused 250 thousand deaths per year, most occur in developing countries. This was revealed from the first report in a series of papers published in the journal Lancet. The true number of illegal drug users may be higher than estimated in the report, because the method used to measure the prevalence of drug use, such as household and school surveys, can not be resolved by drug users or people may not admit to drug use. Researchers using information from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and other published literature, estimates that there are about 149 million to 271 million people worldwide use illicit drugs. Most of the cannabis users (125 to 203 million), followed by amphetamine users (14 to 56 million), cocaine users (14 to 21 million) and opioid users (12 to 21 million), as reported by LiveScience, Tuesday (10/1/2012). Cannabis users hi...

Cigarettes Make Acne Grows More Fertile

Rome , Italy, Each doctors recommend their patients to quit smoking because many adverse health, especially cancer and cardiovascular disease. Not only life-threatening diseases, smoking can also cause acne to grow more and more fertile. Researchers at the San Gallicano Institute in Rome dermatological research on 1,000 women aged 25 to 50 years to determine whether smoking plays a role in the development of acne. The findings showed that 42 percent of smokers have acne, while among non-smokers only 10 percent. This study also showed that three-quarters of participants were women who smoke have acne, as reported by Livestrong, Tuesday (01/10/2012). Yet the number of cigarettes smoked did not affect the severity of acne. But if a woman ever smoked in his youth, this group has probably four times higher when exposed to adult acne. Based on these studies, smoking can contribute to the cause of non-inflammatory acne, including large blackheads and clogged pores. Non-inflammatory a...

Women More Vulnerable When Menstrual Pain

Madrid , women most likely to get sick when they're menstruating, when her eggs are removed from the uterus or ovulation. The reason for the high levels of estrogen during ovulation decrease the activity of molecules that play an important role in the immune system. A recent study from Spain found clues that. During ovulation, a woman's body is very likely to get pregnant. The egg is released from the ovary, uterus filled with nutrients, and estrogen levels are at the highest level. Research has shown that at this time, a woman more likely to be infected with bacteria and bacterial diseases such as herpes, HIV (Human Imunnodeficiency virus) and HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). "Reducing the activity of the immune system will allow the sperm to survive in the female reproductive tract, and allow for a woman to become pregnant. But at the same time, it also allows germs to infect women," said the researcher, Miguel Relloso of Compultense University in Madrid. The f...

Can Ejaculation But No Can Feel the Erotic Sensation

Jakarta , Compared to women, orgasms for men is a relatively easy, which is characterized by ejaculation (discharge of semen). I was so easy, not a few men who experience premature ejaculation. But there was also a man who can not feel orgasm. "There's (men who are unable to feel the pleasure of orgasm), but its frequency is very small compared with orgasm disorders in women," explains Dr. Andri Wanananda MS, sexologists from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta, as quoted in his article on Monday (01/09/2012) . Disorders of orgasm in men is the inhibition of or failure to achieve orgasm that is persistent or recurrent, after entering the phase of stimulation (Excitement Phase) during sexual activity (Pangkahila W., 2005). Dr. Andri explained, men who experience barriers to orgasm can still achieve an erection and ejaculation, but can not feel erotic sensations that occur during orgasm. What causes it? Disorders of orgasm in men is caused...

Herpes Vaccine Failure to Protect Women

Jakarta , Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that can strike both men and women. But a vaccine that is believed to prevent herpes failed to protect women from disease. The researchers reported promising vaccine against herpes viruses indicates a failure in large clinical trials. Known efficacy (effectiveness) of this vaccine against herpes disease by 20 percent only. These results are reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. "We were really disappointed with the results obtained from clinical trials in this large scale," said study co-author Dr. Peter Leone of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as quoted from ABCNews, Saturday (07/01/2012). In a large study carried out by imitating the general population of women who are infected do not show the vaccine is effective against herpes simplex-1 (HSV-1), but not for herpes simplex-2 (HSV-2). In general, HSV-2 is considered more worrisome because they tend to have higher relapse rates compared w...

Pill Side Effects From Libido Dizzy Up Down

Jakarta , There are different types of contraception that can be used both hormonal and non-hormonal. Sometimes hormone-based contraceptives such as pills and injections KB cause side effects such as headaches until libido down. What are the side effects generally arise? Birth control pills usually contain a combination of hormones that function to prevent the release of eggs. Mature eggs retained in the ovaries, so that when the sperm comes no eggs available for fertilization. But sometimes these kontarsepsi pills have side effects ranging from mild to quite bad. The following are common side effects when taking birth control pills, as quoted from, Saturday (01/07/2012), namely: 1. Headaches, dizziness and pain in the breast Hilda Hutcherson, MD, a professor of OBGYN at Columbia University, New York said these side effects will usually go away after taking birth control pills a few times. But if these side effects was also missing, try substituting them with other b...

The tongue tip Can Feel 7 New Taste Sensation

Jakarta , the basic sense that can be sensed by the tongue as long as there are only four of sweet, bitter, sour and salty. But lately, the development of science also recognizes savory and some other new flavors as well as a basic taste. The ability to sense five basic tastes received from the senses of taste receptors. Small sensory organs arise mainly in the tongue, palate and in the back of the throat. The sense of touch also plays a key role in experiencing a sense. The following seven taste sensation that can be considered as a basic taste, as quoted from FoxNewsHealth, Friday (01/06/2012): 1. Calcium The new results have revealed that, in rat tongue has taste receptors for calcium 2. One of the receptors have been found in the human tongue, although its role directly in the taste of calcium is not enough to understand, says Michael Tordoff, a behavioral geneticist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia. Calcium is described as a sort of bitter taste and l...

Cardiologists Also Oppose Artificial Breath Through the Mouth

Jakarta , given artificial breathing from mouth to mouth like a man kissing more and more contested. The cardiologist also do not recommend because the procedure is also referred to as the kiss of life that sometimes even harm the heart. According to the doctors who are members of the British Heart Foundation, the most important part in the Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or first aid on a heart attack is chest compression. Artificial breathing should be undertaken only by people who actually trained. In many cases that occurred during this time, artificial breathing makes people forget to perform chest compression with a constant and regular rhythm so the heart patient is not even helped. Not to mention if given artificial breathing at the wrong time, the patient can even choke. In the latest guidelines, the British Heart Foundation recommends that rescuers focus on chest compressions are delivered quickly and constantly as much as 100-120 times in 1 minute. As a rule, mor...

Not flesh of Origin Presented Without Adding Fat Cholesterol

Jakarta , One reason people stay away from red meat is the fear of cholesterol in the blood increases. Now there is no need to worry, the study shows meat does not increase cholesterol origin is presented without the fat. According to the researchers, lean meat is the most appropriate solution for if you want to eat meat without having to deal with cholesterol. Because after all, the consumption of meat is also important because it is a source of protein and iron. Research conducted at Pennsylvania State University involving 36 volunteers who were divided into 4 groups. Each of the different diet diet greasy meat, fruit and vegetable diet and the two remaining minced meat diet low in fat. At the beginning of the study, all participants in this study have the same condition in which blood cholesterol levels are relatively high. Although diet is different, but in general the same amount of calories deliberately made to be compared. After the diet for 5 weeks, the participants un...

Simple Tool That Can Measure Sperm Yourself at Home

Jakarta , Sperm are numerous and agile as a condition of egg fertilization to get pregnant. Unfortunately, there has been no simple tool that can measure it. Now there 'fertility chip' that can detect the amount and the agility of sperm at home. Loes Segerink, a researcher at the University of Twente has developed a 'fertility chip' that can measure the amount of sperm and their movements accurately. This chip can be incorporated into a device for one-time use. As reported by, Thusday (1/5/2012), this test device will allow the men to test themselves at home sperm thereby expanding the opportunity to obtain a correct diagnosis with a simple and inexpensive method. Standard fertility states that each milliliter of ejaculate should contain at least 20 million sperm. The second important aspect of fertility sperm motility. Thus, the chip is made Segerink measure both. Simple sperm test kits are already commercially available to determine whether...