Red-haired man with Less Friendly Dentist

Jakarta, the stereotype of people with red hair is a fiery emotion. But emotions can turn into emotions of fear and hatred when it will do the treatment with the dentist.

It is based on research results that have been published in the Journal of the American Dental Association.

The results of these studies indicate that, people with certain genes are frequent in redheads tend to experience high anxiety during treatment with the dentist.

The study has involved 144 people, 67 of them have red hair naturally dark-haired and 77. The participants answered survey questions about the fear or anxiety associated with dental visits.

Then the researchers took blood samples and tested for specific gene variants are common in people with red hair.

People with one particular gene, MC1R is more than twice as likely to avoid an appointment with the dentist because of fear and anxiety than those without the gene. Of the 85 people with MC1R in the study, 65 people have red hair.

Red-haired people with the gene tend resistant to certain pain medications. It can mean people with red hair are more susceptible than most people who experience dental treatment difficult.

But with red hair or not, most people may have doubts when going to the dentist. But do not let fear prevent the conduct routine checks to doker teeth.

Because recent studies have linked periodontal disease with a variety of chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes type 2.

"All treatments are performed dentist may be accompanied by minimal pain even without pain. Drugs anesthesia so much more effective and patients should not experience pain that commonly appear in dental procedures," says Kimberly A. Harms, DDS of the American Dental Association as reported from MSNHealth, Wednesday (28/12/2011).

Here are some ways to relieve anxiety when visiting the dentist, according to Dr. Harms, among others:

1. Schedule a visit to the dentist in the morning would be better. Someone will be in a better mood and frame of mind better when morning.

2. Enough sleep when the night before the visit to the dentist.

3. Told in full to your dentist about the complaint that experienced in the oral cavity. Membicaraan including anxiety, fear, and discomfort experienced by the treatment to be performed.

Various dental clinic is increasingly high tech. Some clinics have provided headphones, MP3 player, and even virtual reality glasses for patients who can distract the patient while the treatment done on her teeth.

If the dental clinic did not provide a variety of entertainment that can distract when performed dental procedures, so patients can bring their own headphones.

This will help to muffle the sound is not as exciting as the sound of burs, saliva suction device (suction) and other things that can improve blood pressure patient.


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