Unwanted orgasms for torturing Self

Jakarta, Achieving orgasm is when a coveted during sexual intercourse. No wonder the female orgasm is sometimes difficult to face the reality of this depression. But what if orgasm occurs continuously while not having sex? Orgasm like that tend to torment the sufferer.

One of the difficulties because the 'terrorized' unwanted orgasm is British woman named Sarah Carmen, 27 years in a day could be 200 times orgasm. He suffered from Permanent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAs) that causes increased blood flow to sex organs.

"Sometimes I have so much sex to try to calm myself when bored. And men I sleep friends do not seem to bother me because it is so easy to orgasm," said Carmen who initially thought that the condition is caused by the pill as reported Huffingtonpost of Oddee.com, Monday (12/27/2011).

"It started in bed during sex and go on for hours so that my girlfriend was surprised to find out how many times I can orgasm. It also happens after sex. I think what we've done in bed, and I began to feel the red . So I was aroused and climax. Within six months I was having 150 orgasms a day and now as much as 200 times a day, "said Carmen

He and his girlfriend and then split. But his new partner struggling to meet the demands of her sex. "Many times I let myself orgasm as much as possible so that once completed, I can find rest," he said.

Excerpted from the Sexuality, some kind of orgasm that occurrence is never expected and instead make people suffer are:

Spontaneous Orgasm
Although very rare, especially the class of antidepressant Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) has been reported to cause side effects such as spontaneous orgasms. No need for this type of sexual stimulation orgasm like this, even just happen when you're yawning.

Why do not you want an orgasm like this? Just imagine how unpleasant if you are in a public place, then all of a sudden heart fluttered up to make a hair-raising goose bumps or may be accompanied by ejaculation.

Orgasm during sleep
There are 2 types of orgasms can occur during sleep, the first is a wet dream that is often experienced by men who are not familiar with puberty and masturbation. Orgasm is a bit inconvenient because it requires a man to change the bed linen and underwear after the experience.

Meanwhile, the type of orgasm during sleep are both totally unrelated to erotic fantasy as in a wet dream. Usually caused by neurological and psychiatric disorders, or sleep disorders such as seksomnia.

Orgasm while breastfeeding and childbirth
In 2000, a study in the United States revealed that 40.5 percent of women had experienced sexual stimulation of the breast during breastfeeding. Stimulation was not triggered by a negative fantasy, but the impact of the activity of oxytocin, a hormone that triggers lactation.

The same hormones also play a role in uterine contractions during orgasm and childbirth. Therefore, some women reportedly can reach orgasm and just feel relaxed and satisfied while giving birth.

Orgasm as a result of nerve stimulation
In 1998, a neurologist from California, Stuart Meloy found a very powerful method to relieve pain. The way it works is by giving power to the nerves around the spine.

Although effective, this method turned out to cause side effects such as orgasm in several trial participants. Therefore, the same method also eventually be developed to address sexual harassment even though up to now has not been reported.


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