The Importance of Vegetables and Fruits For Friends Eat Meat

Jakarta, Eating lamb skewers with tomatoes and onions fresh vegetables is a good habit. Not just tomatoes and onions, all kinds of fruits and vegetables had a huge benefit when consumed as a friend to eat meat.

Besides containing a cancer-preventing antioxidants, fruits and vegetables have other content that is not less important that fiber. Consultant stomach and digestion of the University of Indonesia, Dr. H. Ari Fahrial Sham, SpPD-KGEH said at least there are 3 benefits of fiber as a friend to eat meat.

The first benefit of fiber is to make the stomach feel full, so it will feel full more quickly. In other words, eating fruits and vegetables when eating meat will prevent overeating behavior, thereby reducing the various risks such as gastric acid and uric acid.

In addition, other benefits of fiber which is to resist the absorption of cholesterol that is contained in meat goats and cows. As we all know, cholesterol is one risk factor for heart and blood vessels, so that it can be said of fruit and vegetables can prevent heart disease.

Finally, the fiber in fruits and vegetables to prevent constipation or difficult bowel movement. The condition is also often referred to as constipation is most complained when a person eat too much meat, but not matched with the fiber from fruits and vegetables.

In the digestive tract, fibers which can not digest it so much mass that serves as the developer feels full. The sensation will stimulate the stomach feels full of intestinal peristalsis, so that dirt expenditure takes place more smoothly.

In addition to eating fruits and vegetables, constipation can also be prevented by not eating undercooked meat in the state. According to Dr. Ari, undercooked meat difficult to digest so that absorption is slow and the process of gastric emptying to be hampered.

"If gastric emptying is hampered, the risk is as I said before that can trigger GERD (Gastro Esofagial Reflux Disease) or acid reflux into the esophagus," said Dr. Ari when contacted detikHealth Tuesday (6/12/2011)


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