Soft foods Make Small Human Jaw

Jakarta, many people have problems with wisdom teeth that grow sideways. Dentition is thought to be imperfect because the human jaw while decreasing compared to old human. Diet be the cause.

The results showed changes in patterns of food than our ancestors of old. First human ancestors have lived as hunter-style, so eating foods that are hard, but now people are switching to a soft diet.

"Scientists are increasingly analyzing how cultures can interact with the nature of human biology. One of the important developments in the history of human culture is the man to stop hunting and turned into farming. Changes in diet can affect the face and jaw anatomy," said Noreen von Cramon Taubadel from the University of Kent, England as reported from FoxNewsHealth, Friday (12/23/2011).

To find out more, von Cramon Taubadel investigating the skull in museum specimens of 11 human populations are drawn from around the world. Five of these groups have a lifestyle, especially hunting or fishing, such as the San Bushmen in Africa or the Inuit of Alaska and Greenland. While six others rely living from agriculture.

Von Cramon jawbone Taubadel see the difference between populations associated with differences in diet or eating patterns. Overall, the group who underwent a lifestyle as hunters have a larger jaw. While the group livelihood from farming has a narrower jaw.

This is probably because the people who depend living from farming more often eat soft foods such as starches and cooked foods. While the group of hunters on average consume more foods that are raw and unprocessed.

The amount of experience the movement of the jaw associated with human lifestyles affect the development of the jaw. Jawbone will be more stimulated to grow and develop if often eat foods that are hard.

Changes in diet may explain dental crowding (crowding) and jaw disharmony which often occurs in contemporary times. This is because modern human jaw is smaller and more narrow, so it is not sufficient to accommodate all the teeth with neat or without crowding.

When wisdom teeth grow normally will cause interference that makes uncomfortable, such as pain. The pain is caused because the jawbone is not enough to accommodate all the teeth, so that the wisdom teeth grow sideways and hit the surrounding area.

In most cases, the jaw is often not large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth, so it can not fully grown or remained under the gums or inside the bone.

That condition is called impaction teeth. Tooth impaction is a condition in which teeth have problems in the growth direction (eruption), so it can not achieve a normal position.

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow and is located in the very back of the jaw. Usually the tooth is growing in late adolescence or early 20s.

Because wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow, then the tooth can grow with an abnormal position and interfere because of insufficient space.

Disorders that can be caused by wisdom teeth impaction, among others:
1. Inflammation of the gums in the area around the tooth
2. Headache
3. Ear buzzing

Normally everyone has 4 wisdom teeth, each one on each side of the jaw. But there are also some people who do not have wisdom teeth. The results of these studies have been published online in the National Academy of Sciences edition of 21 December 2011.


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