Health Problems Make the Most Embarrassed
Jakarta, Every person has health problems, both serious problems like cancer, heart disease or stroke, as well as minor health problems. But there are some minor health problems that can actually disgrace. What?
Here are 10 health problems that can make people feel ashamed, as reported, Thursday (11/24/2011):
1. Smelly feet
"The smell is very embarrassing and chronic foot can affect anyone," says podiatrist Lorraine Jones. Foot odor caused by perspiration because the use of shoes all day. Sweat will be mixed with bacteria on the skin resulting stench is overpowering.
The solution, wash times twice a day with antibacterial soap. Try not to use the same shoes two days in a row in order to allow the shoe to dry out.
2. Bad breath
Halitosis or chronic bad breath is more usually caused by bacteria in the mouth break down food particles and release the gas odor. Gum disease can also cause bad breath. Other causes include metabolic various complaints, sinusitis and gastritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach). It can also be associated with diabetes that is out of control.
The solution, brush your teeth twice a day, clean the tongue and routine dental cleanings.
3. Stress incontinence (wetting when under pressure such as coughing or sneezing)
"This is because a small amount of urine in bladder 'leak' when you are suddenly under pressure, eg coughing," said urologist Dr. Rebecca Small. This condition is usually caused by weakening of the pelvic floor muscles due to childbirth and menopause.
The solution, the doctor will usually recommend the patient to perform Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles or injection in the bladder, and even surgery. If the index of your body more than 30, then losing weight can help.
4. Fish odor syndrome
Trimethylaminuria or fish odor syndrome occurs when the body can not break down certain compounds in foods, especially those containing choline such as eggs and fatty meats. The most extreme, this syndrome can cause fishy odor coming from sweat, urine and breath.
The solution, the doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics to help relieve symptoms. Eat low-choline diet by eating less eggs, meat and wheat can also help.
5. Frequent farting
Normally people will issue a wind aka fart 25 times a day. But certain conditions can make people fart too much, like after chewing gum, smoking or do not chew food slowly. This condition can also be caused by irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease that can lead to excessive flatulence.
The solution, avoid foods such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, if you are prone to flatulence. Stop smoking and chewing food slowly can also help.
6. Hot flushes
Rosacea (red face) causes persistent redness and tiny bumps on his face inflamed, plus venous blood vessels are damaged and sometimes swelling. In the most extreme cases, this condition can lead to facial area becomes solid red, most commonly in the nose.
There are several triggers that worsen rosacea, such as stress, alcohol, exercise and too much spicy food. Topical and oral antibiotics may help this condition.
7. Excessive body hair in women
In conditions of hirsutism, thick and dark hair usually appears on the face, chest, lower back and buttocks. This is caused by one of the male hormone excess or increased sensitivity. Women who experience this condition is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome, although other causes can include a rare hormonal disorder.
The solution, excess hair can be removed by electrolysis and laser hair removal, although treatment often needs to be repeated. Your doctor may prescribe hormone therapies such as pills, to correct the imbalance.
8. Anal itching
This condition can make a person become awkward and lose confidence in himself. Itching started as a normal course, but if left untreated would worsen. Sometimes this is caused by an infection or skin problems like eczema. Try to live a clean lifestyle.
9. Excessive sweating
This condition can be caused by excessive production of sweat glands, stress or an overactive thyroid. To overcome this problem could be with relaxation exercises to control the tension or use strong deodorant with antiperspirant. Nothing wrong to call the doctor and do blood tests to determine thyroid problem or not.
10. Snore
Not only embarrassing, this condition often makes one a little sleep. The causes can vary such as abnormalities in the anatomy of the jaw and throat, because sleeping on your back or it could be due to polyps in the nose.
This problem could be one of the early symptoms of breathing disorders at night. Premises should consult your doctor if this continues and has been very disturbing bedtime.
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