
Showing posts from November, 2011

Taxable Persons Signs of Diabetes

Jakarta , many people experience some when you urinate and urine surrounded by ants. That was one of the signs of diabetes are easily known. But there are many more signs of diabetes that need to be wary of. "If someone pipisnya surrounded by ants, it could be an early sign of diabetes," said Dr. Dante Saksono H, SpPD, PhD, when contacted detikHealth. Why do it? According to him, someone who has diabetes discarded urine still contains sugar. This occurs because when the blood sugar into the body by the kidneys in the process is not perfectly absorbed by the body. Then issued by the body through urine or pee. "If high levels of sugar in the blood, then the filter is definitely still contains sugar or a sweet nature," said 36-year-old doctor. Dr. Dante said diabetes mellitus actually mean is that sweet fountain, and a fountain here, can be interpreted as pee or urine. Diabetes is a disorder that occurs in the use of glucose in the body. Diabetes does not ...

Condoms serrations Most Wanted Indonesian

Bandung , There are many variant forms and flavors of condoms, but condoms for Indonesia people is still a favorite form of serrations. Why? "From the random survey in the distributor, the serrations of condoms sold in the market. Apparently the Indonesian people prefer the serrations, plain condoms that in America the best-selling," said Hario Junianto, staff directors of the condom factory of PT Mitra Rajawali Banjaran, when met on the sidelines event the condom factory visit in Banjaran, Bandung, Thursday (01/12/2011). According to Hario, many Indonesian people who love the condom with the texture of a pimple (condoms serrations) because most consumers are mothers. "So for the pleasure of mothers. In addition to prevention of sexually transmitted infections and contraception, condoms have also serrations his fun side," said Sumarni, head of commercial department of PT Mitra Rajawali Banjaran. Then why in the United condom plain more desirable? In Ameri...

Appointment Must Not Ruin Breasts Nipples

Jakarta , There are many techniques breast removal or mastectomy when diagnosed with cancer. Appointment without damaging the nipple during this much-debated, but studies have shown this technique quite effectively eradicate cancer cells. Removal of the breast without damaging or known as niple nipple-sparing mastectomy actually has advantages over other techniques. Because the area of ​​the nipple and areola are brown not tampered, then the appearance and function of the breasts will be more awake. However, this technique also has drawbacks, because the experts doubted its effectiveness in eradicating cancer cells to its conclusion. It is feared, the cancer cells remaining in the bottom of the areola or brown area around the nipple. A study in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery prove that the concerns were not always true. In observation of the 162 action-sparing mastectomy niple between the years 1989-2010, most of the cancer cells up to its conclusion. However, ...

Number of countries that sixteen men could More Dangerous

Jakarta , the world population will reach 7 billion in late October 2011. But the ratio of male and female population at this time alone is not ideal because the more the male population. Countries that have a lot of males are considered dangerous and considered a threat to other nations. Experts warned that the unequal sex ratio could fuel the emergence of a society dominated by single people who encouraged aggressive competition to find a mate, a power struggle in the form of war or the emergence of sex tourism. Nature provides a comparison of the biological standard of rigid gender as much as 104-106 males for every 100 women. Any significant differences from a narrow range can only be explained by factors that are abnormal. In India and Vietnam, the ratio of women and men the figure is about 112 boys for every 100 girls. In China, nearly 120 boys to 100 girls and in some places there are even higher than 130 boys. And this trend is increasingly spreading. In the South Cauc...

Rarely Taxable divers More Headaches

Jakarta , Although the water pressure can cause headaches, professional divers found more rarely experienced headaches compared to healthy individuals in general. High water pressure puts a person in jeopardy when diving. Error when it goes up or down by incorrectly can cause injury to vital organs due to air pressure in the body go up and down. Improper diving techniques may also lead to the formation of gas bubbles in the bloodstream. Divers are also known to have certain structural changes in the brain and has a small clots in blood vessels of the brain caused by physical stress is experienced when diving. To determine whether these effects can cause headaches, Dr. Roberto Di Fabio and his team recruited 201 men who worked as a diver for rescue and firefighting agencies of Italy and a control group who had never dived. Both groups underwent neurological examination and observed the details of the amount of headache and migraine for one year. During the study, 22% of the c...

Health Problems Make the Most Embarrassed

Jakarta , Every person has health problems, both serious problems like cancer, heart disease or stroke, as well as minor health problems. But there are some minor health problems that can actually disgrace. What? Here are 10 health problems that can make people feel ashamed, as reported, Thursday (11/24/2011): 1. Smelly feet "The smell is very embarrassing and chronic foot can affect anyone," says podiatrist Lorraine Jones. Foot odor caused by perspiration because the use of shoes all day. Sweat will be mixed with bacteria on the skin resulting stench is overpowering. The solution, wash times twice a day with antibacterial soap. Try not to use the same shoes two days in a row in order to allow the shoe to dry out. 2. Bad breath Halitosis or chronic bad breath is more usually caused by bacteria in the mouth break down food particles and release the gas odor. Gum disease can also cause bad breath. Other causes include metabolic various complaints, sinusi...

Worse Same with smoking addiction Pornography Addiction

Jakarta , The impact of cigarette addiction is not only continuously attack the heart and lungs, but can also cause damage to brain structure. The same damage experienced by people who are addicted to sex and pornography. In people who have addictions, usually susceptible to interference on the part of the brain that regulates reward or pleasure. Because addiction is characterized by repetitive behaviors, then the brain that serves as a central memory or the memory will also be affected. This mechanism occurs in both the addiction that is triggered by addictive substances including drugs and cigarettes, or other stimulation such as sex and pornography. The longer and more often get stimulation, the brain will experience damage or malfunction. "Addiction will give continuous damage in the brain. Just like people smoking," said Dr Al Bachri Husin, SpKJ (K), addiction psychiatrist from Cipto Mangunkusumo in Neuroscience seminar Role in Developing Character in the Young Na...

7 Ways To Live Until Age 100 Years

Jakarta , Age man is a mystery, no one could have predicted exactly. But for those who want to increase the chances to reach the age of 90 or even 100 years, here are seven simple ways that can be done. A cardiologist from Canada, Dr. Clyde Yancy says there is an easy way to increase life expectancy by several decades. Ways is claimed can reduce the risk of deadly diseases, so that people can live longer and quality. "Doing seven small changes in lifestyle can provide a 90 percent chance to reach the age of 90 or 100 years," said Dr. Yancy who will present this theory in the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress next week. Seventh small changes in question Dr. Yancy is as follows, as quoted by the Telegraph, Wednesday (23/11/2011). 1. Sport Rarely do sports or other physical activity can reduce life expectancy by 4 years. People who prefer to laze around 2 times greater risk of heart problems and blood vessels, including a deadly stroke. Not only good for the heart and...

China Condoms Too Small, Many Immigrants Pregnancy

Shanghai , Due to its size is too small, Chinese condoms South African ever been refused admission. In his own country, condoms China also complained the settlers from Europe because it is difficult looking for the appropriate size and many are finally pregnant. China is famous condom size small, according to the average size of male genitalia in the country. In the fully open condition, the size of China's condom only 180 mm and 52 mm and was so painful that migrants from the European average penis size larger. Some companies claim condoms often receive complaints from the settlers for not providing condoms size XL. But because it is limited to users, large companies such as Durex, Okamoto Jisbon and not thought to produce it. Okamoto for example, several years ago also had to sell condoms to the size of Europe. But not last long, because after the calculated value of sales could not cover the cost of shipping because condoms are not manufactured in China. For arrivals, e...

The Climate Change Threatens Health

Jakarta , the world population to reach 7 billion in October and is expected to increase to more than 10 billion by 2050. Uncontrolled population growth will impact on climate change because of the increasing need of global resources. This population growth will overwhelm global resources. Natural resources such as food, water, and forests will be depleted at an alarming rate, triggering hunger, conflict, social unrest, and extinction of species. "In 2050, diperkiarakan there will be an additional 70 million deaths in sub-Saharan Africa alone," said Tony McMichael, professor of public health at the Australian National University. Species of mosquitoes spread due to climate change, so the level of malaria transmission will rise and hit countries such as Zimbabwe 2025-2050. An additional 21 million people in China would risk causing global warming increases flooding and allow disease-carrying water snails explore new areas. Health effects will be felt not only in Afr...

Hospital accreditation in 2012 Focus on Patient Safety

Jakarta , Starting in 2012 there is a new accreditation standards for hospitals that focuses on patients. Accreditation standards are very different from the accreditation standards used today. "The new accreditation standards or called with this 2012 version consists of four groups of standards for which there are 1048 elements to be assessed. The four groups are very different from the existing standard (version 2007)," said Chairman PERSI (All Indonesian Hospital Association) Dr. Dr. Sutoto, Kes in the seminar Hospital Expo at JCC, Jakarta, Saturday (11/19/2011). Dr. Sutoto said at the standard 2007 version is no standard for 5, 12 and 16 which focuses on service providers such as emergency and medical records. But for this new standard is more focused on the patient. The following are four groups of accreditation standards and the new hospital: 1. Standards group that focuses on patients 2. Hospital management, such as management efforts to provide support in ord...

Low Blood Sugar People Make labile

Jakarta , Facing an unstable person and not a stance is annoying, because when-Waku could change his mind. According to research, a person may be indecisive, unstable or easily change his mind because his blood sugar levels are at the lowest point. The firmness of someone in a decision heavily influenced by its ability to perform self-control. In the human brain, the ability of self-control are controlled by one part is called the median fronto cortex. To function properly, the median fronto cortex requires glucose or sugar in the blood taken from. The harder the brain works, the more glucose is used up so levels in the blood over time will continue to diminish. When the sugar content is reduced, the human brain's ability to perform self-control will also decline. As a result a person becomes ill defined, labile and easy to change your mind when dealing with situations that are considered complex. Opinion was contained in a book called 'willpower: Rediscovering the Gre...

4 Million Young Women Do Not Safe Abortion

Yogyakarta , Pregnancy outside of marriage is often considered a disgrace by most people of Indonesia, this is why the practice of abortion is still a lot done. Not only Indonesia, there are 4 million teenagers have unsafe abortions are at risk of death in developing countries. 1 in 5 people in Asia and the Pacific aged less than 15 years (2010 World Population Data Sheet, PRB). And not a few of these teens have had sexual intercourse the first time before age 15 years. Reportedly 10 percent of teens who had sex before age 15 years contribute to unwanted teenage pregnancy. "At least 2.2 to 4 million young women have unsafe abortions every year in developing countries," said Alejandra Trossero, Program Director, IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) East & South East Asia and Oceania Region, in the event of Journalist workshop at the Hotel Santika, Jakarta, Friday (11/18/2011). This is very alarming, because it explains Alejandra girls younger than 16...

Vaginal operations to Overcome Painful Sex After Menopause

Jakarta , The decline in hormones during menopause can have an impact on many things, one of which makes sex so painful. Now there are ways to overcome them apart with hormone injections, which perform operations on the vagina. In women who are old, drought and lack of elasticity that is sometimes combined with erection-enhancing drug use by a partner can make sexual penetration difficult and resulting in tearing or scarring of the tissues of the vagina and pain arise. Vaginal dryness and pain during sexual intercourse is the second leading cause of female sexual dysfunction, especially at the age of 45-64 years. Treatment is generally done to overcome it is with hormone replacement therapy. This therapy is a common choice for women who experience vaginal dryness athrophy or in the vaginal area. But for people who are known to have cysts sometimes afraid to do so for fear of a tumor. But now there is a new procedure developed by Dr. Herzog is called the Laser Vaginal Area Augm...

What To Do For Maximum Weight Down Sleep

Jakarta , Sleep is known to help lose weight. But if someone is doing these things, then he can maximize the benefits of sleep in weight loss. Having excess weight can indeed make people insecure and a risk of certain diseases. Therefore some people sometimes spend a lot of money in order to lose weight, but there is an easier way to lose weight. Here are some things you should do before bed so that the maximum weight loss, as quoted from Livestrong, Thursday (11/10/2011), namely: 1. Avoid emotional eating Nighttime is a difficult time for people who want to lose weight, because the activity has ended and easily experience boredom. But you should not vent their boredom or stress eating food to gain pleasure or comfort. -Andrea Wenger Hess, a nutritionist from the University of Maryland Medical Center says that emotional eating is a major factor in weight gain. To overcome this switch to other activities such as reading a book or soak in warm water to get rid of stress. 2. C...

It's that Make Women More Invulnerability of Heart Disease

Jakarta , During this heart disease is identical with men and rarely experienced by women. Now the researchers managed to find reasons that make women more immune to heart disease. What is it? Researchers from Queen Mary, University of London revealed that the sex hormone estrogen helps protect women from heart disease by keeping the immune system. Sex hormone estrogen in women will be working in white blood cells to prevent the plaques attached to the blood vessels, thus avoiding a dangerous blockage. This new study shows that women have a protein annexin-A1 higher on the surface of white blood cells. These proteins are highly related and estrogen levels throughout the menstrual cycle. Estrogen helps move the annexin-A1 from the surface into the white blood cells, thus preventing plaque attached to the walls of blood vessels that can cause damage to the vascular (blood vessel). "From the beginning we already know that estrogen can protect pre-menopausal women from hear...

Free surgery to enlarge penis it demand in Cuba

Jakarta , the Cuban Government had a policy eliminate all types of health services, including surgery to enlarge the penis. Though already warned the danger, especially from the booming demand among young people who lack confidence. In recent years, doctors in Cuba are often complained about the amount of young people who abuse the policy free operation. Many who come and ask for a referral whining, but medically there is no abnormality to be corrected through surgery. Patients are generally coming from among the male teens was mostly just not confident with the size of his penis. The teenagers are worried that one day could not satisfy their partner during sex if the size of his genitals mediocre. "It does not take too long penis to satisfy your partner. Women have a lot of erotic area to be stimulated," says sexuality expert from the Ministry of Health of Cuba, Ramiro Fragas as quoted from Skynews, Wednesday (11/09/2011). Special message from the staff of the Minis...

Beware of Increased Neck Disorders Due to Mobile Phone

Jakarta , All this technology is often associated with eye disorders. But now technology such as smartphones or tablets can cause the neck is called the 'text neck'. This condition is found emerging as a result more and more time people spend bowed his head while using a mobile phone, computer screen or a tablet. This disorder is caused by stretching of the neck in the long term can lead to permanent damage of arthritis if untreated. The experts said the growing popularity of smartphones and tablet usage makes the case of injury due to increasing strain. In severe conditions, these muscles will be flexed so painful if it will be aligned to the correct position. This is because the joints and tissues in the neck is not built to be able to withstand a bent position for long periods, thus it will cause pain if too much pressure. This condition can also spread to headaches, shoulder pain, arm and wrist. "Imagine if you sit with your legs crossed for long periods, it w...

Drink 2 cups a day's Alcohol Can Trigger Cancer Risk

Jakarta , Alcohol has often been warned by experts can be harmful to the body and cause various diseases. Even two glasses of alcohol alone can increase the risk of cancer. A study has shown that drinking two glasses or more alcoholic drinks per day can significantly increase the risk of some cancers. Previously, guidelines for the NHS (National Health Service) England declared that men should not drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol per day, while women should not be more than the unit in a day. But new research has found the risk of cancer can be increased even at a lower level than the level that has been recommended to the NHS guidelines. "Our data suggest that many cases of cancer could be avoided if alcohol consumption is limited to two drinks of alcohol per day in men and one alcoholic beverage per day in women, which is the recommendation of the health organization," explained the researchers, as reported by Timesofindia, Monday (11 / 7 / 2011). But the res...

Indicates the number of wrinkles on the face of Fracture Risk

New Haven , Connecticut, The emergence of wrinkles on the face not only berdapak on one's appearance, but is also associated with bone health. The more wrinkles, bones tend to be more fragile, so vulnerable to injury particularly fractures. Wrinkles itself is not a trigger of brittle bones, but experts from Yale School of Medicine reveals that the two are related. If true, then the various bone problems including osteoporosis can be predicted more easily than the number of wrinkles on the face. "We believe that the bones and skin have the same network structure. The relationship between the two will be more apparent in women who enter menopause," said one researcher, Dr. Pal Lubma as quoted from HealthDay, Sunday (11/06/2011). According to Dr. Pal, skin and bones alike have the structure built by a protein called collagen. One function of these proteins is to help maintain the density and the density of tissue-forming cells, both the skin and bones. If the levels...

Forcing Yourself Go Work When Sick Can Trigger Depression

Jakarta , employees who continue working despite being ill is often considered to be full of the spirit so much praised. And for the long term, a behavior called presenteeisme also can trigger depression and reduced productivity. Not only that, ignoring the need to rest when you're sick can also increase other risks such as fatigue, migraines and muscle and bone pain. Even in some oorang who have heart problems, it could worsen his condition. Recent research published British Medical Journal reveals, 85 percent of employees had to force myself to come to work when her condition did not fit, mostly because of the flu. About 25 percent of them occurred in the past month. In the short term, the employee will receive the credit in the work environment of enthusiasm. But for the long term, it could plunge the compliment someone on the physical and mental fatigue that eventually it lowers productivity. Employees are often forced to do work normally associated with direct service...

Coffee addiction can Influenced Genes

Jakarta , Drinking coffee in the morning has become a habit many people, even some of them to addiction. Not only the habits and the effects of caffeine, coffee addiction it can also be influenced by genes. Genetics may help determine how much caffeine is needed by the body. New research shows there are two different genes that can determine the amount of caffeine intake a person needs. The study found that people who carry a gene called 'high-consumption' suggests a desire to drink more coffee, compared with people who carry the gene 'low-consumption'. "Genetics plays a large role in many behaviors, such as smoking and alcohol consumption and found genetics also play a role in how much caffeine we drink," said Dr. Neil Caporaso, branch chief of Genetic Epidemiology at the National Cancer Institute, as reported from Epharmapedia, Friday (04/11/2011). Both genes are labeled CYP1A2 and AHR. CYP1A2 is associated with the process by which caffeine is meta...

Eating Less May Not skinny, Can Also Excess Chromosome

Jakarta , Got a skinny body often gives the impression of lack of nutrition, when in fact been fed with the correct pattern. According to research, some people are just born to thin forever because it has the advantages of a gene called gene-16. Normally, a person inherits the composition of the same gene from both parents. But in some people certain genes could have duplicated that number to 2 times as much, or removal so that the composition is reduced. A study done by scientists from Imperial College London in England and the University of Lausanne in Switzerland revealed that the composition of genes numbered 16 or so-called gene-16 can affect weight. Someone who had the gene duplication will stay thin despite eating a lot. In contrast to people who lose some of these genes, their weight is believed to be easier to increase even though his diet the same as another. As a result, though it was trying to diet, her body still tends to look fat. Research involving 95,000 people ...

Alcohol Three Times More Dangers of Heroin

Jakarta , Beverage alcohol is known to be bad and harmful to the body. But a study revealed that alcohol is three times more dangerous than heroin. The research was conducted by Professor David Nutt, a former chief drug adviser to the UK and colleagues. He assigned a rating of 20 types of drugs by performing 16 measurements. Each viewed the dangers and disadvantages of drugs, including mental and physical damage, addiction, crime, economic costs and impacts to the user and also the wider community. The results of this assessment concluded that the heroin and methylamphetamine is the most dangerous drugs to individuals, but alcohol, heroin and cocaine are the drugs most harmful to others. However, when values ​​for both types of hazards are added, the alcohol emerged as the most dangerous drug and was followed by heroin. Under the new system is more complex obtained alcohol has ranked three times more dangerous than cocaine or tobacco, while ecstasy dangers of alcohol led to an...