Coffee Can Be Medicines for Bald Men

Jakarta , caffeine in coffee is often used as arouse enthusiasm in the morning and medicine for people who are ready to stay up. Coffee has even more benefits for men who experience hair loss, because studies show that coffee can be used as a cure for balding men. Studies have been published in the International Journal of Dermatologist showed that the caffeine in coffee can stimulate the growth of small follicles in the scalp in men who begin to experience hair loss, as reported by Livestrong, Friday (30/12/2011). Caffeine works by blocking the effects of chemicals known to damage hair follicles. Most baldness is caused because the hair follicles (tiny sacs in the scalp where the hair grows) exposed to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is too much. DHT is a chemical produced by the male hormone testosterone. DHT is produced in several areas of the body, but mainly in the liver and skin (including hair). Many factors that increase the production of DHT in the body, such as stress, genet...