So the main killer of salt in the World

Jakarta, People need 350 mg of sodium or salt per day. But apparently many current salt usage that exceeds the needs and lead to premature death.

"The salt (added to food) is the major cause of high blood pressure and high blood pressure is a major cause of death worldwide," said Graham MacGregor, professor of cardiovascular medicine at Queen Mary, University of London as quoted by LiveScience, Monday (21/5/2012).

"Very little evidence of salt (which causes premature death), even the equivalent of smoking," said MacGregor.

Unfortunately, many people who consume an average of about 3,500 mg of sodium per day. Most of the sodium comes from processed foods that do not realize the salt content of most consumers. Bag of potato chips, a loaf of bread or a bowl of cereal alone contains more than 250 mg sodium.

The biggest is the canned vegetables, canned soups and frozen foods because each contains approximately 1,000 mg of sodium. Even worse fast food contains more than 2,000 mg of sodium per serving.

But consumers can only be educated to understand the dangers of its own, says MacGregor, and other experts in the meeting of the World Nutrition Rio2012.

This is necessary even though researchers have recommended that the food industry efforts to reduce salt in their products incrementally, either through voluntary agreement or follow government regulations.

MacGregor himself was alleged that many companies are not willing to do so because of the small industry incentive. "Salt makes cheap food is bad and getting better," he said.

In addition, salt is the primary driver of thirst so as to increase sales of beverage manufacturing industry. Though drinks manufacturer contain compounds that can increase the amount of water binding in meat that is enabling the industry to sell full-fat meat products with lower prices.

MacGregor was added, decreased intake or consumption gradually overdo it takes for people accustomed to living with salt.

Mary L'Abbé from the University of Toronto also recommends a reduction in daily salt consumption. One of them with low-sodium breakfast cereal can provide 25 percent of calories, 20 percent sugar and 70 percent more fat.

Even modest salt reduction can provide a big advantage, says L'Abbé. This is because most people are at risk of developing high blood pressure and now the prospective patient is at a stage where a low-salt diet can lower that risk, he said.

In fact, some people already suffering from high blood pressure and had to rely on expensive drugs.


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