Various fact Bitter About Sugar

Jakarta, Sugar makes food and drinks to be more comfortable so that so many people's favorite. But sugar has the potential dangers. Is sugar really poison that must be kept away from people who are vulnerable?

A doctor from America named Robert Lustig has called for limiting consumption of sugar, like sugar such as alcohol or tobacco.

"Sugar is a dangerous poison, and several strategies should be considered. For example, by restricting the advertising of food with added sugar. In addition, it can be to get children as early as possible to limit the intake of sugar," Lustig said as quoted by TheTelegraph, Tuesday (03/04/2012).

Sugars, such as tobacco and alcohol is quite toxic and expensive for everyone. Too much sugar can cause cavities, if you do not brush your teeth after eating them. In addition, too much sugar intake can also cause obesity and diabetes.

"The disease is not contagious like, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer and Alzheimer's disease provides a greater threat to the whole world, compared with infectious diseases," said Lustig.

Epidemic of obesity can develop into many chronic diseases are not contagious. One interesting fact is that, from year to year a large increase in the consumption of sugar that is not visible.

Manufacturers to make foods and drinks that contain lots of sugar is due to demand from consumers. Because many people who prefer sweet foods. Over the past 30 years, there is a relationship between increased intake of sugar by the explosion in obesity, diabetes and other metabolic problems.

One of the most important thing is the concern when consuming fructose. Because it can lead to leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone that is produced to tell the body when it was full.

"When you eat too much fructose, leptin sometimes become inactive, so the body will not know when it was full. So that fructose can cause people to want to eat more and more. Even after that, someone will be able to develop insulin resistance," Lustig said.

Sugar and all sugar-containing foods are everywhere. So just to maintain a healthy awareness that can limit your intake of sugars.


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