The Most Optimal Love Time To Can Pregnant

Jakarta, couples who want to quickly have a baby often think that the time to have sex should be considered that pregnancy can occur optimally. Actually, there is no day or date is most appropriate to have sex to get pregnant.

The best time to get pregnant quickly is to have sex once a day every day for 4-5 days before and during ovulation.

Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovaries, fallopian tubes fueled and ready to be fertilized. Lining of the uterus thickens to prepare eggs to be fertilized. If fertilization does not occur, the uterine lining and blood will be in the form of menstruation.

"Women need to understand the menstrual cycle. Recognizing the symptoms of ovulation such as cervical mucus changes in the form of aqueous fluids will help women recognize the fertile period. It is time to focus on sex," said Paula Hillard, MD, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, California as reported by, Wednesday (04/11/2012).

Research has shown that in women who have regular menstrual cycles, ovulation can occur for a few days of the menstrual cycle so that the optimal time to conceive is longer.

Because having sex after ovulation will not cause pregnancy, doctors often recommend to have sex on a regular basis 2-3 times a week. The amount represents the best time to conceive and increase the chance of pregnancy.

Increasing the amount of estrogen in the uterus and female reproductive tract before ovulation allowing sperm to live up to 6 days. Research has shown that in women with regular menstrual cycles, ovulation can occur at any time. So, the question of exactly when the best time to conceive is never missed significantly.

"The best time to get pregnant and having sex is now entering a period of 'fertility window'. Window of fertility lasts for 6 days, starting from 5 days before ovulation until the first day of ovulation. Most fertile day is 1-2 days before and during ovulation, "said Allen J. Wilcox of the Department of Environmental Toxins and Human Reproduction National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

In a study by Wilcox, the couples trying to conceive are asked to have sex once every day during the fertile period. The result, on average, couples trying to conceive admitted that the best time to conceive is to make love regularly 2-3 times a week every week. This is done because the couple do not know for sure when will ovulation happen.

Once calculated, the percentage chances of getting pregnant by the time sex is as follows:

A. Having sex every day during the fertile period: The possibility of pregnancy 37%
2. Having sex every day outside the fertile period: The possibility of pregnancy 33%
3. Having sex once a week: The possibility of pregnancy 15%

To increase the chances of pregnancy, the couple should have sex on a regular basis every day throughout the menstrual cycle, particularly during the fertile period.


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