This make the Women's Belly Fat in Stacking

Jakarta, fat accumulates in the abdomen of women not only increases the risk of some diseases, but also can interfere with the appearance and dress him down. Actually, what makes these fats accumulate in the stomach?

Excess abdominal fat is a common problem encountered by many women. Accumulate fat that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Although it is known there are many causes that can develop excess abdominal fat, but several factors are known to be the most common cause of this condition, as quoted from, Tuesday (04/03/2012), namely:

A. Descent
Heredity plays a role of parents in developing the excess in the stomach in some women. Particular genetic make women more easily accumulate fat in the abdomen.

These factors are generally difficult to remove, even though so few things in mind can help to reduce fat is through aerobic exercise and abdominal muscle toning exercise.

2. Aging
As people age, production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) began to decline. Studies of Harvard Women's Health Watch found a decrease in this hormone with increased accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

In addition, make you age your metabolism starts to slow down so that it can be other causes related to excess abdominal fat.

3. Stress
Based on a study in 2000 by Elissa S Epel, PhD, and colleagues from Yale University, it is known that women are more susceptible to stress tend to have excess abdominal fat even though she was not overweight. This is likely due to the effects of the stress hormone cortisol, which makes the accumulation of fat around the abdominal organs.

4. Changes in hormone
Hormonal changes associated with menopause being a common cause of excess fat in the abdomen. Menopause causes a decrease in the production of sex hormone estrogen which leads to an increase in abdominal fat.

Besides menopause also causes a shift in the location of the body to store fat, which stores in the legs, arms, hips and abdomen area.


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