Millions of people Paracetamol Overdose Risk

Jakarta, Paracetamol can be a painkiller that is widely used by the public. But because it is so popular is estimated millions of people at risk of an overdose of paracetamol.

Nearly a quarter of adults abusing drugs paracetamol because it exceeds the recommended limits. This condition makes the scientists warned of the risk of an overdose of this painkiller.

Researchers from Northwestern University in Chigago reveals an overdose of paracetamol can cause various kinds of accidents or problems and acute liver damage. One of these is koonsekuensi of overdose liver failure that can cause fatal buildup of fluid in the brain.

Most users of paracetamol is to ignore the instructions given on the packages of drugs, especially parents who have forgotten how many tablets are taken. Doctors usually recommend a maximum daily dose is 8 tablets of paracetamol 500 mg consumed no more than 2 tabket once in a period of 4 hours.

The study, led by Dr Michael Wolf and colleagues interviewed 500 adult patients receiving care in outpatient general medical clinics in Atlanta, Georgia, Chicago and Illinois between September 2009 until March 2011.

The scientists found nearly a quarter of the participants at risk of overdosing on the painkiller paracetamol by using a single product for consumption exceed 4 grams in 24 hours.

About 5 percent of the participants made a serious mistake since taking paracetamol at a dose of more than 6 grams, while almost half of the participants at risk of overdose by eating two types of medicines that contain acetaminophen.

"These findings suggest that many consumers can not identify or distinguish the active ingredient in OTC pain medications and do not always follow the instructions on the label," Dr. Wolf said, as quoted from Dailymail, Friday (06/08/2012).

Dr Wolf said this could pose a significant risk of side effects and can be a serious public health threat and requires immediate attention. The study is published online at a glance in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.


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