
Showing posts from June, 2012

Marked diseases Excessive Appetite

Jakarta , Increased appetite may be normal in a person's life. But sometimes an increase in excessive appetite reflects a particular disease that requires treatment. Increased appetite will occur if you are in a condition such as bulimia, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and intestinal worms. Therefore, it is important for you to evaluate the increase in cases of excessive appetite from the start. Here are some conditions that can cause increased appetite, as quoted by Medindia on Monday (6/25/2012), among others: A. Bulimia Bulimia nervosa is a condition where a person loses control of appetite and overeating to an end with a period of time. After that, patients usually experience some vomiting and other digestive disorders. 2. Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus in adults is often diagnosed based on three main symptoms, ie polyuria, or increased urination, increased appetite or polyphagia and polydipsia, or increased thirst. In diabetics, the body cells become resistant ...

Ways to Not Let bitten by mosquitoes

Jakarta , with erratic weather conditions like this, mosquitoes can easily be rampant. But there is a very natural way of telling that is furthest away from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes should be shunned because these insects can carry diseases that threaten human life such as malaria and encephalitis. But according to a recent survey conducted by OFF! Insect repellents, only 29 percent of people who claim to fear of mosquitoes due to health reasons. Interestingly, 60 percent of people claim to fear that makes the mosquito bites itch because it is not health effects. Here are natural ways you can do to stay away from mosquitoes as reported from the Huffingtonpost, Monday (6/25/2012): A. Avoid Dusk and Dawn Most of the mosquito species bite their prey at night and early morning. So consider to enhance the protection of themselves or remain in the home at these times. But Joseph Conlon, experts at the American Mosquito Control entolomogi Association warned that other species are ...

Naked Feet can run Faster

Jakarta , Some people would rather do without wearing jogging shoes. The benefits are diverse, you can run them faster and feels more healthy. But apparently it is also at risk of injury to your foot. When running barefoot, legs and soles of your feet move differently so that when you perform unusual movements when belari then it can stretch your muscles and tendons. "If you're going to make changes, then make no later and carefully as possible," said Paul DEVITA, PhD who studies biomechanics at East Carolina University. Later ran barefoot becoming increasingly popular. Many say this type of run is more natural. Plus a growing number of companies that make shoes footwear 'minimalist' is lighter and does not bind the feet too hard. The researchers also tried to observe this claim. One study revealed that 12 people who ran on a treadmill for 6 minutes in a state of bare feet and 6 minutes using a shoe to show the very real differences between them. When ...

Millions of people Paracetamol Overdose Risk

Jakarta , Paracetamol can be a painkiller that is widely used by the public. But because it is so popular is estimated millions of people at risk of an overdose of paracetamol. Nearly a quarter of adults abusing drugs paracetamol because it exceeds the recommended limits. This condition makes the scientists warned of the risk of an overdose of this painkiller. Researchers from Northwestern University in Chigago reveals an overdose of paracetamol can cause various kinds of accidents or problems and acute liver damage. One of these is koonsekuensi of overdose liver failure that can cause fatal buildup of fluid in the brain. Most users of paracetamol is to ignore the instructions given on the packages of drugs, especially parents who have forgotten how many tablets are taken. Doctors usually recommend a maximum daily dose is 8 tablets of paracetamol 500 mg consumed no more than 2 tabket once in a period of 4 hours. The study, led by Dr Michael Wolf and colleagues interviewed 500...

It's he who should not be consumed Overstated

Jakarta , may sound strange when there are cases of overdoses foods that cause a person suffering from illness and even death. But there are some healthy foods even harmful if consumed in excess. Here are six types of healthy food is not good if you consumed too much, as reported from MyHealthNewsDaily, Thursday (07/06/2012), among others: A. Carrots Carrots are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber is good for your health. But eating too many carrots will make you receive beta-carotene intake is too much, too. Beta-carotene in carrots is the molecule responsible for the bright orange color in carrots and precursors of vitamin A. If the blood of excess beta-carotene can make your skin color was black. The condition is known as carotenemia happens because carotenoids are fat soluble. Excessive amount of carotenoids tend to accumulate in the outer layer of skin, so skin will be colored yellow or orange, especially on the palms, soles of the feet, knees and nose area. Althoug...