Heal Seizures, Parents Give Cannabis in Children

Colorado , marijuana leaf is one item that is best avoided by the parents of the children . Surely you do not want your child associated with the item . But what would happen if it turns out cannabis is the only drug that is effective for seizure disorders in children ? As reported by CBC News, Thursday ( 02/20/2014 ) ,

Charlotte Figi , 5 -year -old girl , suffering from a rare disease called Dravet Syndrome . And because of her illness , Charlotte must experience a seizure in every week . With such a weak condition , the girl who due to illness must be seated in the wheelchair , make the doctor feel not know what to do let alone to heal . However , parents Charlotte never gave up in trying to heal her daughter .

 Charlotte 's parents attempt to fruition . Two years later , Charlotte has been declared cured of seizures . He also no longer need a wheelchair because eventually he could walk and talk . So what makes Charlotte such a full recovery ? The answer is a marijuana leaf . Yes , it leaves ganjalah who has become a drug to help cure Charlotte . " Because marijuana , eventually she ( Charlotte ) can walk and talk , " said the mother of Charlotte , Paige Figi . Paige admits healing begins with Charlotte made her and her husband make ' Charlotte 's Web ' , which is a garden containing marijuana plants . Aware that cannabis is something that should not be consumed , especially for children ,

Paige plans to change his garden by mixing the components of olive oil so that the leaves can be used by many patients as a drug . " With this ( Charlotte 's Web ) , I will try to help anyone who needs it , " said Paige , News about Charlotte 's Web has spread across America . Even one of the families whose children also suffer from seizures , willing to move from Tennessee to Colorado , to get the drug contained in Charlotte 's Web Rachel Selmeski , the parents of Maggie ( 20 months ) who also suffer from seizures as experienced Charlotte first , revealing that Charlotte 's Web has helped reduce seizure frequency Maggie drastically . Although it has been proven to be practical about the use of cannabis , many doctors recommend that you should not use cannabis as medicine . " There is no evidence to suggest that Charlotte 's Web was safe to use .

 Literature We have no evidence to support this , " said Dr. . Larry Work , Health Department chief officer . Dr statement . Larry is also supported by Dr . Margaret Haney , Director of Marijuana Research Laboratory at Columbia University , New York . " Although cannabis is not the most dangerous drug in the world , but it does not mean that cannabis has no impact on the potential long-term dependence . Moreover, it is used in children , " said Dr. . Haney . Although there is no scientific evidence that supports it, it did not affect the belief of many families who believe in the usefulness of cannabis which is used as a drug .


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