Signs of Respiratory Damage From Smoking

Jakarta, Of the many negative effects of cigarette smoke, damage to the respiratory tract is relatively the most common. Symptoms are not just a cough, but more diverse if it leads to permanent damage and even death.

"Poison silio cigarettes are toxic. A cigarette can kill a cilia (vibrating hairs in the airways)," said Dr Ahmad Hudoyo, SpP (KP), FCCP from Friendship Hospital in Living in a Healthy Environment seminar with No Smoking in Club Palm d'Ivoire, as written on SWednesday (7/04/2012).

Smoking signs have started to kill most of the hair and damage the airway vibrating as a whole, as told by Dr. Ahmad Hudoyo is as follows.

A. Coughing up phlegm
One of the most frequent respiratory disorders experienced by smokers is chronic bronchitis. Symptoms include inflammation or arthritis that causes a cough that does not heal, which is accompanied by excretion of excessive sputum or phlegm.

Because cigarette smoke is also toxic silio, then chronic bronchitis sufferers also lose the function of cilia or vibrating hairs in the airways so that the mechanism of impaired sputum spending. One result of obstruction or airway obstruction.

2. Shortness of breath
Asthma or shortness of breath that worsens also include disorders of the most widely experienced by smokers, particularly those from the beginning it had a history of the disease. In addition to exacerbating, cigarette smoke exposure is also often a relapse trigger asthma attacks.

Apart from asthma, smoking can also lead to shortness of breath due to other conditions such as lung tissue damage and swelling in that section.

3. Emphysema
If it is like a rubber band, a healthy lungs that are resilient or springy. If it were exposed to smoke, the lung tissue will be swollen in size but mushy texture like rubber bands of oil-soaked soil.

Membersar lung function but decreases experienced by smokers who suffer from emphysema. Medically, this condition is characterized by loss of elasticity of lung tissue and accompanied by damage to or rupture alveoli or air sacs so hard to get oxygen.

4. Drastic weight loss
Disease that is often touted as the worst effects of cigarette smoke is lung cancer. One type of cancer that is called 'cancer benevolent' because it does not cause pain in the early stages, given that the lungs do not have the nerve tissue.

Not a lot of symptoms that can be observed as early signs of lung cancer. However, most lung cancer patients who lost weight very rapidly and can only be discovered when the cancer after further testing.

5. Chest pain
Lung cancer has entered an advanced stage is often characterized by chest pain, when the growth of cancerous tissue from other organs pressing on the chest cavity. These complaints are often accompanied by shortness of breath due to pleural narrowed.

When it entered an advanced stage, the chances of survival of lung cancer that is often expressed in 5-year survival rate is only about 13 percent. Of the various cases that had found, only 10-20 percent of lung cancers can be cured with surgery.


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