Signs of Respiratory Damage From Smoking
Jakarta , Of the many negative effects of cigarette smoke, damage to the respiratory tract is relatively the most common. Symptoms are not just a cough, but more diverse if it leads to permanent damage and even death. "Poison silio cigarettes are toxic. A cigarette can kill a cilia (vibrating hairs in the airways)," said Dr Ahmad Hudoyo, SpP (KP), FCCP from Friendship Hospital in Living in a Healthy Environment seminar with No Smoking in Club Palm d'Ivoire, as written on SWednesday (7/04/2012). Smoking signs have started to kill most of the hair and damage the airway vibrating as a whole, as told by Dr. Ahmad Hudoyo is as follows. A. Coughing up phlegm One of the most frequent respiratory disorders experienced by smokers is chronic bronchitis. Symptoms include inflammation or arthritis that causes a cough that does not heal, which is accompanied by excretion of excessive sputum or phlegm. Because cigarette smoke is also toxic silio, then chronic bronchitis suffe...